Capabilities Statement

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Pendulum Electromagnetics, Incorporated (PendEl)
is a small, but technologically sophisticated operation in Raleigh, NC whose primary activity is the design, fabrication, and repair of vacuum electron devices (VEDs), with special expertise in high-power CW and pulse traveling wave tubes (TWT). Because the nature of these devices encompasses just about every facet of the physical sciences, PendEl is well-equipped to tackle any project where expertise in high vacuum, precision fabrication, furnace operations, RF induction, high voltage, electronics, and radio frequency technologies are critical to the effort.

“While our services and product line have changed since 1994, our assiduous attention to detail, engineering innovation, and especially, customer service have not.”

PendEl Capabilities Videos

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Assembly Seal Area

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Double Vacuum Exhaust
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Pulse Test Station
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RF Induction Heating Brazing System
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CW Test Stand

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Laser Welder
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Pusher Furnace
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Vacuum Furnace